Speaking up is golden

    Have you encountered corruption, fraud or other unfair practices at work and don't know what to do about it? You don't have to be on your own. Our office can help you.

    Who are we?

    We are an independent, nationwide state-institution that protects the rights of whistleblowers. We have a unique remit to intervene if an employer dismisses or otherwise retaliates against an employee who has blown the whistle. In particular, we deal with cases that threaten the public interest.

    How can we protect you?


    Protected whistleblower status

    We can arrange protection for the whistleblower, known as protected whistleblower status. He or she does not have to worry about a targeted dismissal or other disproportionate action on the part of the employer. Moreover, any negative employment action in such a case must be approved by our office.


    Suspension of termination

    Have you been already dismissed by your employer because you chose not to remain silent? We can suspend this act for 30 days, during which time you can ask the court to review the dismissal.  


    Protection from identity disclosure

    V najzávažnejších prípadoch, kedy je dôležité chrániť identitu oznamovateľov, podávame za nich trestné oznámenia. Trestné oznámenie za vás môžeme podať len v prípade, že ste sa o oznamovaných skutočnostiach dozvedeli v súvislosti s pracovnoprávnym alebo iným obdobným vzťahom.
