About us

    We are an independent state institution with a nationwide presence based in Bratislava. Our mission is to protect whistleblowers who report unfair practices they have encountered in the course of their work.

    Speaking up is golden

    Whistleblowers may face bullying, dismissal or other negative action from their employer, supervisor or even colleagues. Our Office is here to stop these practices and support courageous and responsible workers.

    Whistleblowers are protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act, which also established our Office. The current president of the Office is Zuzana Dlugošová.

    What is anti-social activity?

    The law classifies all crimes, misdemeanors or administrative offences, primarily conduct that has a negative impact on society, as anti-social activity. Our mission is to protect the public interest, which is why we focus primarily on communications that go beyond the interests of the individual.

    For example, if a manufacturer deliberately misleads its customers about the composition of a product because it is harmful to health, this is a threat to the public interest. That is because the sale of an unsafe product can have a serious impact on a wide group of people.


    Reporting anti-social activity is beneficial to us all. It helps to avoid wasting public resources and, in some cases, even to save lives.


    Zuzana Dlugošová

    Matej Uhlík

    Contact us

    For whistleblowers

    Take the opportunity to consult with our lawyers on our free helpline


    Time availability of the free helpline:
    Monday: 13:00 — 16:00

    Tuesday: 9:00 — 12:00

    Wednesday: 13:00 — 16:00

    Thursday: 9:00 — 12:00

    0800 221 213

    How to make announcement:

    Electronically: https://formular.oznamovatelia.sk/form/mail

    By mail/personally at: Námestie slobody 29, 811 06 Bratislava

    For Media

    Alexandra Znášiková

    Prevention and Communication Department
    [email protected]

    +421 948 935 404

    For public


    +421 948 935 166
    [email protected]

    Monday: 8am — 12pm
    Wednesday: 12pm — 4pm
    Friday: 8am - 12pm

    +421 948 935 239

    IČO: 53621948

    DIČ: 2121473541

    Requests for access to information, data protection, petitions and complaints

    Žiadosti o sprístupnenie informácií podľa zákona o slobodnom prístupe k informáciám, žiadosti o ochrane osobných údajov,
    petície o petičnom práve a sťažnosti možno okrem osobného a poštového doručenia a okrem doručovania prostredníctvom Ústredného portálu verejnej správy zaslať cez e-mail, prípadne sa na nás obrátiť telefonicky.


    [email protected]
    +421 947 924 221

    Would you like to make a report?

    Read more about how the process works and fill out our online form. 

    Where to find us

    Úrad na ochranu oznamovateľov

    Námestie slobody 29

    811 06 Bratislava

    Our new temporary address:

    Úrad na ochranu oznamovateľov
    Jozefská 1
    811 06 Bratislava

    +421 948 935 166
    [email protected]