Organisational structure
Zuzana Dlugošová
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at the Comenius University in Bratislava. In her law practice, she has mainly dealt with instances of administrative and constitutional law, as well as representation in cases of violation of fundamental rights and freedoms. She has cooperated with several human rights organisations. In particular, she gained valuable experience as a lawyer for the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. She has also worked as a Rule of Law Counsellor for the US Embassy. She has trained judges, prosecutors and senior judicial officials at the Judicial Academy in the areas of anti-discrimination regulation, international human rights protection mechanisms and the principles of judicial ethics. Since 2016, she has been teaching legal ethics at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava.
Matej Uhlík
He studied political science at Comenius University in Bratislava and at the Central European University in Budapest. He supplemented his academic education and experience as a scholarship holder also during various foreign stays, for example in the USA, Norway and Iceland. He has gained experience in public administration in several ministries and offices and is also particularly close to cooperation with the non-governmental sector. Prior to his appointment to the position of Vice President, he worked at the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic in its Analytical Centre, where he was involved in several research and development projects.
Nikola Jaborníková
Director of Law Department
Nikola Jaborníková absolvovala štúdium práva na Paneurópskej vysokej škole. Po štúdiu pracovala a získala prehľad či už z pozície právničky v súkromnom sektore, tak aj vo verejnom sektore. Zameriavala sa najmä na oblasť verejného obstarávania, má skúsenosti aj ako advokátska koncipientka v oblasti obchodného, správneho, pracovného a občianskeho práva.
Pred tým ako nastúpila na ÚOO pracovala na Úrade pre verejné obstarávanie, kde viedla správne konania a zastupovala inštitúciu pred súdmi. Na Úrade na ochranu oznamovateľov vníma ako dôležitú výzvu tvoriť nový štandard štátnej inštitúcie, ktorá je proklientská a profesionálna.